I'm thrilled you've taken the time to open this blog and check out my thoughts. So let's dive right in.
First of all, what is vaping?
Vaping is an alternative to traditional smoking, and in some cases people are marketing it as a diet aid device or smoking cessation device. I'm not here to convince you of either approach, but I will say that I would begin with some facts.Vaping consists of three main parts, and the technical aspects are widely debated between users, but they all consist of a battery or mod, a tank to hold liquid, and a of course the e-liquid or e-juice that is vaporized.
Why vaporize?
Vaporizing mimics the act of smoking, except without all the carcinogens found in traditional cigarettes. With vaping, you are vaporizing a liquid primarily consisting of USP approved food safe flavorings, vegetable glycerin, and propylene glycol. The liquid is vaporized and inhaled in lieu of smoke. The advantages are that the smell and vapor quickly dissipate, and unless you are in close proximity, others typically cannot smell your liquid.What about nicotine?
So let's do the math. This is how it was explained to me, and however incorrect it might have been, the math did add up on my little 'toad toes.' A pack of cigarettes is about 21mg of nicotine. I smoked around 30 cigarettes a day, but probably about 1/3 of each cigarette just burned in an ashtray. So I consumed about 20mg of nicotine each and every day.Nicotine can be added to any e-liquid upon request. As a former smoker, I started at 20mg/ml in my e-liquid. I smoked between 1 1/2 to 2 packs of cigarettes a day, and 20mg addressed my nicotine cravings. After week or so, I purchased my next e-juice bottle at 18mg, and gradually stepped my way down until I no longer needed the nicotine added.
Nicotine is a potentially hazardous substance in concentrated forms, but I was surprised to see nicotine in several food items I already consumed (i.e. bell peppers, tomatoes, etc.)
That's the beauty of e-juices. You can literally get any kind of e-juice you want. An endless supply of creative people out there keep creating incredible recipes. Think I'm kidding? Check out our Mounds flavored e-liquid, which I'm pretty sure is liquid gold as far as I'm concerned.Other great information....
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